Valentine's Flowers and Gifts

Only a couple of days till Valentine's Day... Personally I am not a big fan.

Instead of cut flowers, maybe think about a pot plant instead?
  • They last longer.  
  • Bulbs are great as they can be enjoyed inside this year and then planted out into a pot in the garden to come up next year.  
  • Daffodils and hyacinths are great at this time of year - I've seen quite a few tin or wicker-basket pots.  
  • Or a house plant, like an orchid:  if you're really lucky they will flower again.  You just have to remember to water them occasionally. This orchid is a coupe of years old and from time to time comes into flower.  The gift that keeps on giving.

If you must do cards think about buying a "naked" card to avoid the plastic sleeve.  I have seen compostable sleeves as an alternative.  Or you could even try an e-card. 

For chocolate try to buy plastic free: a Toblerone is a great place to start. See my previous post.  

And finally Gifts... isn't the point of Valentine's to be together?  Think "experiences" to do together: Segue adventure, a nice meal together..?

What will you be doing for your plastic / waste free Valentines day?  



    I go through your blog you have such a wonderful pattern or ways to explain the topic and most importantly I'm also not a big fan of Valentine's Day but I think flowers are the best way to express your words. Today we are able to deliver flowers and bouquets to our loved ones just because of the internet. And also have options to grab good deals as wells while buying online. you just put your query online like Cut Flowers For Sale you can get the best deal for you.


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