Guilt Free chocolate (Well at least Plastic Free)

Switching to chocolate without the plastic wrapper and carrying out the necessary research has been very enjoyable.  The biggest difficulty I have found is trying to see what the packaging is made of.  Looking for chocolate wrapped in paper or card and then foil seem to be the best plastic free option.  I know Lindor, Green and Blacks and Divine are good plastic free packaging and the chocolate is pretty  good too.  There are a good selection of smaller companies and little independent chocolatiers (a little pricey yes) but you can select what you want and take it away plastic free. 

The obvious ones to avoid are the plastic wrappers, the Snickers, Mars, Double Decker bars etc.  But then there are also the chocolate bars with the foil backed with plastic, which is hidden under a paper sleeve or cardboard box.  Frustratingly the two fingered Kit-Kat which is paper and foil can only be bought as a multi pack which is plastic.  The Toblerone is completely plastic free: cardboard outer with foil inner wrapping.  And Smarties removed their plastic button lid at the beginning of this year.   The only annoying thing is buying one tube of smarties cost 60p where as a multi-pack of four (wrapped in plastic) is £1.  But maybe only one tube is all I need?

Of course at Christmas and Easter (or the three months before these dates when the chocolate hits the supermarket shelves) there is a wonderful selection of chocolate Santas and eggs that are just wrapped in foil.  Cream eggs... need I say more? 

*I am very aware that while these are plastic free options they are not all palm oil free or fair trade, can you ever have guilt free chocolate?  


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