The difficulty with Butter

I am now nearly six months into my plastic free journey and one of the main things I have not been able to find a work around for is: butter.  

I was constantly looking at the labels to understand the packaging and if they could be recycled.  But because they are all in packaging that is a "mixed material" they can not be recycled.  There are even a few brands out there which appear to be in simpler packaging (more old-school grease proof paper) but these too state they are mixed materials so can not be recycled.  When did it all get so complicated?

For me the switch from Lurpak spreadable (or Alid's Norpak) that I used to use pre-2019 to simple blocks of butter has, in itself, meant my plastic consumption is definitely down in this area.  I ultimately try and buy the largest block of butter I can find, 500g if they have it, reducing the volume of plastic.  When I get the ones in in the grease proof type paper, I keep it for greasing tins when baking, which I am doing more of since making everything from scratch. 

I have been contacting local dairies and farm shops to see if they can help. But so far I have not had any luck. I will keep looking as I am sure there must be somewhere local where I could take my Tubberware box to be refilled monthly.  I am also hoping that the butter companies are out there trying to come up with recyclable packaging... here is hoping.  


  1. Could you make your own butter? It's a great activity with children!

    1. I would love to do this. I think I will look into this. We go through a lot. Does it take long?

  2. I use my foil butter wrappers for cake tin lining ... before putting it in general waste.

    1. Me too, it is a great way to stop it being single use.

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