Lush packaging

I was so excited when this gift arrived in the post a week ago for Christmas.  I have had a few gifts from Lush and buy their shampoo bar myself to use, so I know they are on it with their packaging being recycled and recyclable.  Total joy was followed by despair and confusion when I opened the very beautiful box (definitely to be kept and reused or re-purposed such a beautiful pattern). However, what to do with the packing puffs?

It was not made obvious on the box, but owing to Lush's whole ethos, I thought I should Google what the packing puffs are made of... Thank goodness for that:  It turns out the puffs are plant-based and hence fully compostable, (technically) edible, or just dissolve in water to be flushed down the drain.  Bravo Lush!

The box contained three Christmas bath bombs which have been the perfect gift for the kids.


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