Simple Life Swaps in the Bathroom

When asked by family what I wanted for Christmas, I usually find it very difficult to answer.  But this year, in preparation for Plastic Free January I knew exactly what to ask for to help me with A Greener Life in 2019.  I got some great gifts from everyone, and those for the bathroom are discussed here.  I was dying to use them all right away but to ensure none of my existing stash of bottles went to waste,  I had to use up what I had before I could really start using my new alternatives.

1. Shower Gel replaced with a bar of soap - this was a very easy and straight forward swap.  I have also started replacing all hand wash gels around the house too. 

2. Shampoo and conditioner bottles replaced with Lush shampoo and conditioner bars.  I love both of these and they really work for my hair.  The shampoo on its own makes my hair really dry but with the conditioner bar it is a great combination.  I started off without the tin and the bars went to mush.  The tins (or alternative) are a must for our shower.

3. Dental floss replaced with Georganics peppermint silk dental floss in a glass jar and metal lid.  These are expensive as an initial outlay at £5.90, but you can buy refills in twin packs at £7.90.  While this is works well, I feel there must be a cheaper alternative out there. 

4. Plastic tooth brush replaced with a Truthbrush bamboo tooth brush (still with nylon bristles). Again a very easy switch, this is one of the nicest tooth brushes I have had.  I had read such mixed reviews about bamboo tooth brush bristles falling out, but this is as good as any plastic toothbrush, 6 weeks in and it looks brand new.  

5. Face wipes replaced with a bar of soap and a flannel - enough said!


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