To Buy or Not to Buy...?

What do you think: To buy plastic "on snip" or not?

I spent 2019 avoiding buying anything in plastic.  As such I didn't even bother to go to the reduced shelves in the supermarket as there is very rarely anything plastic free to buy.  However this year I have changed my approach and headed back to the reduced section. I am mindful to buy things that can be frozen or I know I will eat straight away.  There is always the temptation to buy more than I can eat and it then goes off and ends up in the bin anyway.  

Food waste is a massive problem all the way down the supply chain ending up in our supermarkets and then in our in homes. I figure: the food is in plastic, yes.  But if the food is not eaten, then the plastic has been completely wasteful. Yes, in an ideal world these sausages would never have been wrapped in plastic in the first place, but they are and what a waste to see the supermarket have to bin them at the end of the day.   Instead these have been sitting in my freezer, now ready for a sausage casserole!

These are my thoughts... what do you think of the reduced section?


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