Happy new year

As the sun sets for the last time on 2019 it's good to be able to reflect on what a year of change it has been. As a family we have all really embraced our new greener way of thinking about our life and how we live it.

🌻buying less single-use plastic
🌻Reducing our food waste
🌻Eating less meat
🌻Trying to grow our own food
🌻Looking to buy second-hand / preloved where possible

And whether they like it or not, our family and friends have indulged our journey along the way.

What plans do you have for 2020? What journey are you embarking on? Are you starting something new or giving something up?

It may not sound big, but for 2020 I am taking up slowing down; taking more time in life for me and my family, time to stop and just enjoy the world we live in and show the children what we are trying to protect and preserve by getting out and enjoying nature.

Wishing everyone a positive and happy 2020.


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