Conditioner Bar

I am completely converted to my Lush shampoo bar but was not as enamoured with their conditioner bar. It worked for my hair but the bar went to mush and just washed away even though I tried to let it dry out in a tin.  It seemed really wasteful and costly.  So I was very excited to find this bar by Juliet Rose.   It smells amazing: camellia and rose and the smell lasts beyond just opening the packaging (just recyclable paper!)

The bar has stayed solid and seems to be lasting considerably longer than the Lush equivalent.  My hair has its shine back again after months of just not using anything.  

This bar is:
  • made in the UK
  • is palm oil free
  • is vegan friendly 
  • is not tested on animals
I got it from andkeep and it cost £7.95 but this has lasted months so far and the bar is not shrinking.  A great new find to keep my hair shiny for 2020.  


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