The Gift that Keeps on Giving

The tomato plants in the garden have been amazing - they really are the gift that keeps on giving.  We have been getting this number of tomatoes every three days for the last two weeks.  It really has been lots of fun for the whole family.  These are Sun Gold tomatoes, a cherry type of tomato which tastes delicious and sweet and smells like tomatoes should.

I tried planting them from seed at the beginning of the year but this failed massively.  So I invested in three small plants from the garden centre.  I constructed a brick trough in the sunny spot in the garden (no mortar just stacked up bricks that have been sitting down the side of the house).  To save on buying any compost I emptied the whole content of the compost bin into the trough and planted the small plants directly in.  Thanks to the wet weather this year they have not required a huge amount of maintenance regarding watering.  In fact they have been very happy.  The problem has been trimming them back to stop them getting to big and bushy and not producing fruit.

This will definitely be something I will be growing again next year.    


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