Plastic Free Birthday Parties - One Layer at a time

It's that time of year in our house - all the birthdays come at once.  Presents to be wrapped, parties to be prepared, but this year I am thinking about them differently and my first stop is pass the parcel.  I don't really do sewing with a machine, its not something I have ever got into.  However my sister-in-law is a whizz with the sewing machine and I was so pleased when she said she would make some pass the parcel bags for the kids.

She did an amazing job, I love our unique pass the parcel bags: 10 different sized bags, different fabrics with zips, that fit into each other.  To avoid the need for prizes in each layer I made themed activity cards to go in each layer: when the music stops, the layer was removed and the card revealed.  Then everyone in the circle joins in with the activity.  We used these last weekend and they were a big hit.  I can honestly say the treat in each layer and prize in the middle were not missed.  And all the bags can all be used again for the next party.

These bags are not only good for pass the parcel - they were perfect for 'wrapping' smaller birthday presents too.  So much simpler than playing around with sellotape.  With a couple of the larger presents, I made a Who Gives A Crap patchwork wrapping paper.


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