Things to eat from the garden

What do you have growing in your garden you can eat?

So it turns out I am not very good at growing veg from seeds.  All my early seeds planted inside failed.  I did however do better with seeds planted later in the garden.  The lettuce and rocket are doing really well.  I think I will be able to make a salad this weekend, which I am very excited about as I have not had salad leaves since going plastic free. 

I also bought some small plants from the garden centre for the strawberries and tomatoes.  The strawberries are great for the kids but we get about one every three days and then have to cut it up so everyone gets a piece.  The tomatoes have some flowers but nothing else yet. but the smell of the leaves is amazing.  

This is certainly not enough to become self sufficient but a lot of fun and an education.   


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