Plastic Free Weigh

One very happy family this morning as we had honey hoops and chocolate flakes for breakfast.  After five months of porridge and homemade muesli this was a very nice change.

All thanks to the Plastic Free Weigh at the Knutsford Market Hall  A new Eco, refill, plastic free, zero waste shop.  They have now been open a week, officially opened last week by the Knutsford mayor and already they are looking to expand into the the stall opposite at the beginning of June when they will have even more stock.   What a great start and fantastic addition to the  Knutsford Market Hall.  The shop has dried fruit, nuts, seeds, pastas, grains cereals, spices, refills for shampoo, conditioners and other household refills and so much more to help you on your reduced waste journey.  Definitely worth a visit, you can take your own jars and bags to be filled or they have paper bags for you to take your things away.  

We had our visit this weekend as part of our weekly shop - the market has everything you need.  Fruit and veg stall, butchers (which also does cheese), and a poultry stall.  They all offer paper bags and paper to wrap things up in if requested, so you don't need to come away with any plastic even if you forget your own bags, jars and Tupperware.   


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