World Menstrual Hygiene Day

Today is World Menstrual Hygiene Day so what better day to talk about reducing the waste during your cycle. When someone asked me just over a year ago: had I heard of a moon cup or reusable sanitary products?  I would have had to say no.  I hadn't given it any thought, let alone known the concept existed.  I was very pleased I was pointed in the direction of the menstrual Moon Cup.  

I have been using the moon cup for over a year now and am completely converted.  As an alternative to tampons and/or towels this will massively reduce the amount of plastic and waste in your life. Give it a few cycles to allow yourself time to get used to your own body but once you get the knack it is worth it. They are made from medical grade silicone (a synthetic rubber) but it is definitely not single use.  While they appear expensive from the outset at about £20 they last about 10 years (so only 16p/month). 

While I don't have personal experience of reusable sanitary towels, I love the concept of them.  An extension of reusable nappies, I guess, but with a lot less washing!  You can get them in a variety of sizes, absorbencies and patterns.  They come with poppers to hold them in place.  A rather neat little design.  I photographed these while I was at Just Foot Prints in Chester.   They have lots to choose from.  I know the Plastic Free Weigh also sell these in Knutsford.   

The more people I mention them to the more people I realise are already using them.  Talk about it, you may be surprised. 


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