Make Cleaning a Little Greener

I have been trying to cut down on using cleaning products in the house so I find I am still working my way through my stash of plastic bottles under the sink.  I currently have a jar of orange peel sitting in white wine vinegar. Another week until it will be ready, will let you now how I get on.  The one thing that never stops building up is the dishes.  Here are few good things I already have or have been replacing my plastics brushes and scourer with.  
  • Wooden dish brush with removable heads, the bristles are plant based.  I love this as it is not only plastic free but part of it is reusable.  The part I do need to replace is relatively small.  
  • Wooden pot brush with union fibre bristles.  I have had this a good few years now and still going strong.
  • Copper and metal scourer again had this for a while, great at shifting dirt.
  • Loof Co washing up pad made from a plant.  This is amazing and puffs up so much it can easily be cut in half to last twice as long. 

What I love is all these can be composted after their use avoiding landfill.  

Please don't bin all your plastic scourers and brushes and replace for the sake of it.  As your plastic sponge scourers come to the end of their life just take a minute to think what you may replace them with.  My best cleaning cloths are re purposed clothes and fabric: vests, t-shirts, baby towels and muslins (these are amazing for cleaning windows and glass), I have a large box of these and use them for cleaning the bathroom, floors, dusting, cleaning mud off children etc.  They go on for ever.  I keep old tooth brushes, past being good for cleaning teeth, but great for getting around taps and into all those smaller corners.  Not only does this save money as things are being re purposed, it also slows them down on their way to land fill.  


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