Finding Plastic Free Alternatives

Once you've finished and worn-out the things you have, the hardest thing about giving up plastic is the challenge of finding new plastic free alternatives.   

If you are like me, you have been using the same brand of deodorant for over a decade; it's tried and tested, you know it works and that is comforting.  Where to even start on new alternatives? Recommendations from friends are great if you know people who are on the same plastic free journey as you, but if not, it basically comes down to marketing which doesn't necessarily mean it is good.  There is the risk of spending lots of money on things that are just not right for you and the things going to waste because they don't work for you.  So many 'green'/plastic free shops are on the internet too which means you can't smell or feel it to see what it is all about.  I just wish it was all more mainstream so I could pop into Boots or the supermarket and pick something up.  Hopefully it is coming soon.  Luckily at the moment, TK Maxx and HomeSense are doing a whole bundle of 'eco' things: bamboo toothbrushes, deodorant, other toiletries and cleaning products.  I was pleased to be able to find, touch and smell this deodorant and washing up scrub before I bought them.  The added bonus is they were all at cut prices.  The deodorant is working OK.  I am getting to grips with the cardboard tube and the slightly crumbly nature of the stick... but it works.  The only issue will be finding it again as TK Maxx don't have continuous stock. 


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