Give up Plastic for Lent?

Pancakes are perfect for a plastic free meal.  Some eggs, flour and milk, served with lemon and sugar.  Simple!  I even managed to find some chocolate spread in a glass jar with metal lid.

What will you give up for Lent?  Forget giving up wine, chocolate or coffee (all of which can be plastic free).   How about trying to give up plastic for 40 days till Easter? 

If you are anything like me, 40 days is really just enough time to start using up all the plastic you have in the house anyway: shampoo, loo roll, kitchen roll, all the random packs of pasta in the cupboard.  Maybe just opt to give up plastic for your food shopping for the few weeks?  Give it a go, see how you get on.  You may be pleasantly surprised at the changes you can make.  You will certainly notice how much unnecessary plastic is out there. 


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