A-PEEL-ing to Their Better Nature

I was so impressed when my National Trust magazine arrived at the beginning of the year wrapped in a compostable potato starch sleeve.  It came straight off the magazine and lined my compost tub in the kitchen. 

This was another trigger for me, suddenly I noticed all the pointless plastic sleeves on magazines coming through the door.  Some which I wanted, others I didn't (having been added to random mailing list over the years).  On talking about this with friends (Thank you for the photos) I found The Chemical Engineer and National Education Union magazine both come in the same potato starch compostable wrapper, while my RIBA Journal still comes through on a monthly basis in its plastic sleeve.  So I wrote to them.  My letter was published in the magazine.  I was very excited to have my name in print, less impressed by their response.   But I hope my letter will make them think about it seriously leading to a change soon.

I'm famous!


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